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the best outcome, within your budget.

Dental Erosion

Dental Erosion is the dissolution of teeth. Tooth erosion occurs when there is frequent exposure to acids within the mouth. Grazing, acidic drinks and foods (such as coke and oranges), reflux (regurgitated stomach acids) and certain medications are the most common causes of acid exposure.

With age and the repetitive exposure of acid will cause the teeth to lose enamel and can range from slight erosion, causing minor sensitivity, to severe cases of teeth being eroded to the gum line.


Dental erosion can eventually cause severe pain if not treated and in some circumstances teeth may be lost. Erosion is becoming more and more common in all age group especially in young children and adolescents due to the easy availability of acidic drinks such as Redbull.

Other factors that could result in Dental Erosion are; Smoking, dry mouth (lack of saliva in the mouth) and vomiting.


To avoid Dental Erosion, drinking water after each meal and not consuming acidic foods and drinks frequently, will help in the prevention of severe erosion in the future.




Dentures are an option to replacing single or multiple missing teeth. There are several different types of dentures available. Partial dentures; used when some natural teeth still exist in the mouth and the denture replaces the missing teeth. Full dentures; Used when there are no natural teeth left in the mouth. Over-dentures; when the denture sits over existing natural teeth, tooth roots or certain implants. Immediate dentures; this type of denture is inserted into the mouth immediately following any extractions 

of teeth.

Dentures are made up of two different types of materials, acrylic or metal, the best type per case will be advised by your dentist. The process of having a denture entails a number of short visits. Impressions are taken; wax models are tried-in with the possible appearance of the final product and then finally, the insertion of the denture that is specifically made for the patient.

When taking care of your denture/s, the main things to remember are not to sleep with it in and to clean it regularly with an antibacterial solution.




A dental extraction is the removal of a tooth, which is usually badly decayed or damaged but can also be a result of gum disease. Dental extractions are also performed to help to improve the appearance of overcrowded teeth. The removal of teeth is not that common these days but this may be the best treatment option in some situations.




Dental Amalgam fillings are sometimes referred to as silver fillings. Amalgam is a stronger, longer-lasting, easier to handle and cheaper filling material compared to composite/resin-based dental materials. Its composition is generally a mixture of silver, mercury, tin and small amounts of copper and zinc. This product has been around and has been used in the dental industry since the early 1800s and has the reputation of being a reliable material.

Dental Amalgam is a safe material. The claims that amalgam causes illnesses or problems with general well being are unfounded. The Australian Dental Association, National Health and Medical Research Council, and the World Health Organization do not support these claims and therefore continue to support their use. Amalgam fillings release a very small amount of mercury, which may be absorbed into the body, accumulating mainly in the kidneys. Other sources of mercury are in food, particularly fish.


The process of having an amalgam filling is similar to that of a composite where the tooth is cleaned out of decay and is then filled with the material using a tight packing method. The material, however, takes time to completely set in the tooth, unlike a composite resin that is set almost straight away.


Composite Fillings are tooth coloured resin filling made up of mixtures of plastic materials and small glass particles, which can be used to fill both front and back teeth. Composite fillings are a better-looking alternative to amalgam (silver) fillings giving it a more natural appearance. The process is usually only one appointment, which involves the removal of decay from the tooth then filling the cavity layer by layer with the composite.




Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gums whereby there is the swelling, redness, and bleeding of the gums. This is generally the result of poor brushing and flossing. However, Gingivitis can be the result of other causes and will need to be assessed for confirmation. Gingivitis can easily be managed and is quite reversible.




A Dental Implant is a metal rod (usually made from titanium) that is inserted into the jawbone to replicate a root of the tooth. From this artificial root, an artificial tooth attached on top of it. The dental implant is a surgical solution to replacing missing natural teeth. This treatment requires multiple appointments.




Inlays – Inlays are another form of fillings. Inlays are ‘fillings’ confined within the cusp tips of the tooth and are made externally to be bonded into the cavity of the tooth. They can be made of gold, porcelain, or composite material. Inlays are designed for the repair of reasonably damaged back molars and therefore are considerably stronger than other fillings in order to withstand the forces exerted on these back teeth.

Onlays –Onlays are similar to that of Inlays with the exception that they are designed for a larger cavity and extends over the cusp tips of the tooth. Onlays are made up of the same materials as inlays and increase the strength of the tooth by embracing the tooth.


Inlays and Onlays generally take 2 appointments to complete the treatment. With the first appointment, the Dentist removes the decayed area, or in some cases the old filling, and prepares the surface for the new filling. The Inlay or Onlay is made by a dental technician, which requires the dentist to take an impression to send to the technician. Once impressions are taken, the dentist will insert a temporary filling to cover/protect the surface requiring the inlay/onlay.


Once the inlay/onlay is received back from the technician, who may take up to 2 weeks, a second appointment is needed for the fitting. The dentist will ensure that the final product fits perfectly and the bite is correct. Once this is all confirmed the inlay/onlay is then glued in with a strong bonding adhesive material.




Periodontitis is gum disease where there is the loss of gum and/or boney support to your teeth. This can lead to an increase in tooth mobility and the drifting of teeth with the eventual loss of teeth if left untreated. Periodontitis can exist with little or no symptoms and without proper periodontal assessment. Periodontitis can be arrested or even cured with proper treatment and ongoing reviews.



Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment, Root treatment or Endodontic Treatment, is the removal of an infected or inflamed nerve in a tooth (damaged from disease, decay or trauma) and the cleansing of the canal or chamber in which the nerve resides. This treatment, if implemented is to save the tooth rather than to have the tooth extracted or removed. In certain circumstances, the removal of the tooth is the better option. The early management of an inflamed or infected tooth improves the chances of success.

The process involves two to three visits where the nerve canal is thoroughly cleaned out and filled with either antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and/or antibacterial medications to help the tooth heal and to avoid any infections within the canal. The final appointment involves the filling of the canal chamber with a rubber-based material. The tooth is then filled with a normal filling material and ideally, a crown would be placed over the tooth to embrace and reinforce the root canal treated tooth due to its increased risk of fracture.



Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth or Third Molars are the last teeth to come through the gum. They usually don’t come through the gums until the late teens and older. Not everyone has wisdom teeth and those that do usually have four. There isn’t always enough room in the mouth for the teeth to come through causing pain, infection to the overlying gums or becoming cystic. Some people have no troubles with wisdom teeth and therefore have no need to have them removed. Whereas, others may need to have them surgically removed.











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 Tel: 3343 4010

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